
Bang's Blogs: Reaper vs U.S. Agent

  *Disclaimer: This blog has a rather high gif density. For the best viewing experience possible, please bear with your browser as it loads these sections.  Gabriel Reyes, the Reaper from Overwatch . Jonathan Walker, the U.S. Agent from Marvel Comics .  Time and time again, heroes have risen in the face of impossible odds to protect humanity in its darkest hours, though none can compare to a good old-fashioned super-soldier! For these two men, all it took was a strong sense of duty to mold them into sentinels of liberty, symbols of truth, justice, and the American way. Of course, eventually, their time in the sun came to an abrupt end; America's heroes fell victim to apparent tragic demise, etching their legacies into history forevermore. Or at least, they would have. As fate would have it, the two heroes resurfaced with new purpose and new teams, outed from their on-high positions into the shadows. From then on, they would pursue their warped ideals with flaming fur...